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In A Summer Season

Author: Elizabeth Taylor
Retail Price: $19.99
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ISBN: 9781844083206
Format: Paperback
Published: May 2006
Published By: Hachette Australia
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Product Description

* IN A SUMMER SEASON is one of Elizabeth Taylor's finest novels in which, in a moving and powerful climax, she reveals love to be the thing it is: beautiful, often funny, and sometimes tragic.* IN A SUMMER SEASON is one of Elizabeth Taylor's finest novels in which, in a moving and powerful climax, she reveals love to be the thing it is: beautiful, often funny, and sometimes tragic.
You taste of rain, he said, kissing her. People say I married her for her money, he thought contentedly, and for the moment was full of the self-respect that loving her had given him.'

Kate Heron is a wealthy, charming widow who marries, much to the disapproval of friends and neighbours, a man ten years her junior: the attractive, feckless Dermot. Then comes the return of Kate's old friend Charles - intelligent, kind and now widowed, with his beautiful young daughter. Kate watches happily as their two families are drawn together, finding his presence reassuringly familiar, but slowly she becomes aware of subtle undercurrents that begin to disturb the calm surface of their friendship. Before long, even she cannot ignore the gathering storm . . .
ISBN: 9781844083206
Number of Pages: 272
Format: Paperback
Reading Level:
Published Date: 24-May-2006
Dimensions (mm): 200x128mm
Publisher: Hachette Australia

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