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Healthy Everyday

Author: Pete Evens
Retail Price: $19.99
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ISBN: 9781742613895
Format: Paperback
Published: July 2014
Published By: Macmillan
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Product Description

In Healthy Every Day, Pete Evans shares his favourite recipes for good health and vitality. Inspired by a 'paleo' way of eating, these are the meals he cooks for his family every day, featuring loads of fresh veggies, nuts and seeds, sustainable seafood and meat, and free of gluten, sugar and dairy.

Drawing on his love of the cuisines of Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam and Morocco, he shows you how to make lighter, healthier versions of your favourite breakfasts, salads, curries and burgers. And while you won't find any sugar, there are some delicious gluten- and dairy-free treats, such as Young Coconut Ice Cream and Raspberry Mousse Cheesecakes.

Healthy Every Day makes it easy to change the way you cook and eat, inspiring you to create delicious meals that will make you feel (and look!) fantastic.

'Food is a celebration, something that brings people together. Create delicious meals that nourish you, your family and friends.'
ISBN: 9781742613895
Number of Pages: 272
Format: Paperback
Reading Level: Upper Primary, Lower Secondary
Published Date: 22-Jul-2014
Dimensions (mm):
Publisher: Macmillan

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