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CBCA - Early Childhood Category 2023

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Short List Titles - Early Childhood Category

Bev and Kev
Bev and Kev
  Katrina Germein
  9780645027051 - Hardback
  RRP: $24.99 SALE: $19.99
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  Bob Graham
  9781529503319 - Hardback
  RRP: $27.99 SALE: $22.39
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Lionel and Me
Lionel and Me
  Corinne Fenton
  9781922326607 - Hardback
  RRP: $26.99 SALE: $21.59
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Market Day
Market Day
  Carrie Gallasch
  9781760504076 - Hardback
  RRP: $24.99 SALE: $19.99
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  Anna Walker
  9781922585387 - Hardback
  RRP: $24.99 SALE: $19.99
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Where the Lyrebird Lives
Where the Lyrebird Lives
  Vikki Conley
  9780645323566 - Hardback
  RRP: $26.99 SALE: $21.59
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Book of the Year: Early Childhood 2023 Set of 6 Books
Book of the Year: Early Childhood 2023 Set of 6 Books
  9789999990108 - Hardback
  RRP: $146.94 SALE: $110.20
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Early Childhood Category - NOTABLES

Save 20% on all Notable books! When ordering from this section enter quantities and click 'Add to Order' at the bottom of the page.
ISBN  Title  Author  Format  R.R.P.  SALE  QTY 
9781760653095  Ella and the Useless Day  Meg McKinlay  Hardback  $25.99  $20.79 
9781529503319  Jigsaw  Bob Graham  Hardback  $27.99  $22.39 
9781922326607  Lionel and Me  Corinne Fenton  Hardback  $26.99  $21.59 
9781760504076  Market Day  Carrie Gallasch  Hardback  $24.99  $19.99 
9781922503817  My Shadow is Purple  Scott Stuart  Hardback  $24.99  $19.99 
9781922585387  Snap!  Anna Walker  Hardback  $24.99  $19.99 
9780645323566  Where the Lyrebird Lives  Vikki Conley  Hardback  $26.99  $21.59 

*Note: • Prices are subject to change by publishers without notice.
• Many of these titles are not available from the publisher until June 2023.
• It may be necessary to substitute Paperback for Hardback or vice versa if that particular edition goes out of print.